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Novinci Sem! - sticky
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-10-30 22:14:31
Prvi Koraki


Q: Kako dobiti sponzorja?

O: Greš pod Club > Economy > Sponsors (Slika: in izbereš sponzorja. Če misliš da boš osvojil svojo ligo, izberi tistega z najvišjim Winning Bonusom, če hočeš dobivati tedensko več denarja pa izberi sponzorja z navišjim Weekly Bonusom. Po vsaki odigrani tekmi boš imel še možnost da izbereš Match Day Sponzorja v treh okvirjih ki bosta prazna (Slika:


Vsi ki rabite prijateljsko, lahko izzovete katerokoli ekipo tukaj:

Z prijateljsko igralci dobivajo izkušnje, vi kot manager pa dobivate denar in pa kot manager preizkušate nove taktike. Pri prijateljskih tekmah se denar od vstopnic dobica 50%/ 50% na vsakega.

Naslednjo sezono bomo dobili poseben forum za oglase, nakar boste lahko oglaševali prijateljske tekme ter podobno.


Za začetek vam priporočam da si nadgradite stadion, saj z 500 sedeži ne boste kaj veliko zaslužili. Pri nadgradnji pazite da ne boste nadgrajevali že narejen sedeže, ampak tiste ki nimajo nič sedežev( Slika


Nastavite si taktiko za naslednjo tekmo. To storite tako da greste pod Matches > Klik na Sliko(Slika: )

Če se pojavi da je tvoja taktika Ilegalna pa preveri tole:

1. Če si imel igralca v postavi in si ga prodal, ga moraš zamenjati.

2. Uporabil si dve pozicije hkrati.

3. Uporabil si istega igralca 2 krat.

Če boš pravilno nastavil taktiko se bo krogec obarval z Zeleno barvo, če pa bo taktika ILEGALNA se krog NE BO obarval v zeleno. Pri tem bodite pozorni.

Igralce lahko daješ med OFENZIVNE in DEFENZIVNE, ker je igra še v beti.



Injuries are only caused by training - Players cannot be injured from matches. To decrease your players chance of injury, you can reduce your Training Intensity to either "Low" or "Very Low". However, "Average" is seemingly the most common Intensity level.

Also, a players Energy/Fitness levels are only affected by training.


Stamina does not aid a players training. However, it is believed that Stamina enables a player to play better in the Fourth Quarter - This is still only an educated guess, and I will update according.

Positional Rating

This is based on matches played. Basically, the more matches a player plays at his position, the higher his Positional Rating will be. However, many people believe that a players skills also have an affect on this Rating. We cannot prove this as of yet, as the GI season is still ongoing.

Natural Position

The Natural Position of a player is generated randomly. Basically, you could have a player with extremely high catching, yet his Natural Position could be Offensive Lineman. The decision as to where you position your players is up to you. Some people like to stick to Natural Positions. However, other people like to position players based on their skills.

If you do decide to position players based on their skills, you must take note that it will take a number of games for that player to change his Natural Position.

For example: Simon Dooley has great catching ability, is agile and has great speed, strength and carrying - He looks like a great Wide Receiver. However, his Natural Position is Offensive Lineman. Simon's Positional Rating at Offensive Lineman is Two Stars. You, the coach, decides to play Simon as Wide Receiver - Because the player has Two Stars at Offensive Lineman, Simon will not have a Natural Position as Wide Receiver until he receives Two Stars or more at this position.


Which skills matter more than others is still to be seen, but here are the basics:

All positions to some extent: Vision, Positioning & Stamina


QB: Passing, Vision, positioning, Intelligence, Footwork, Agility, Stamina, Strength with maybe carrying and Speed

WR: Speed, Catching, Agility, Vision, Positioning, Stamina, Strength, Carrying, Footwork, with maybe blocking and intelligence

RB: Carrying, Speed, Vision, Agility, Strength, Positioning, Footwork, Stamina, with maybe blocking, catching, and intelligence.

FB: Blocking, Strength, Speed, Positioning, Vision, Footwork, Stamina, Agility, Carrying, with maybe some catching and intelligence.

TE: Blocking, Catching, Strength, Speed, Agility, Positioning, Vision, Stamina, Footwork, with maybe some carrying and intelligence.

OL: Blocking, Strength, Positioning, Stamina, Vision, Footwork, Agility, Speed.


FS: Speed, Tackling, Vision, Positioning, Agility, Strength, Catching, Stamina, with maybe some footwork and intelligence.

SS: Speed, Tackling, Strength, Vision, Positioning, Agilty, Catching, Stamina, Blocking with maybe some footwork and intelligence.

CB: Speed, Agility, Catching, Positioning, Vision, Tackling, Strength, Stamina, Footwork, and maybe intelligence.

LB: Tackling, Strength, Speed, Vision, Blocking, Positioning, Agility, Stamina, Catching, Footwork, and maybe intelligence.

DT/NT: Tackling, Blocking, Strength, Stamina, Positioning, Vision, Agility, Speed, Footwork, and maybe intelligence

DE: Tackling, Speed, Agility, Blocking, Strength, Positioning, Vision, Stamina, Footwork, and maybe some intelligence.

Special teams:

K/P: Kicking, Punting, Strength, Positioning, Vision, Footwork, and maybe stamina and agility

A more in depth look at some theories on stats and their value for positions can be found at:
Special Thanks

Koltrain, Shaftdiggity and Will for their Positional Skill threads - Both present and past, respectively.

More Users soon.

LP vsem. Upam da sem pomagal. Za več INFA, mi pišite PM.

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