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NT Budget For Scouting
Posts: 22
Posted on 2023-08-02 14:39:48
Hi all,

As a relatively new NT coach I have found it frustrating on a number of occasions when I've managed to a find a potential NT player yet not being able to view his skills values this takes up two issues:
Firstly you need to drop a player (if already at max squad size) before calling up said new player.
Secondly, as we only have 50 calls up this takes up one, then if the player called up is not what you were expecting, you'd likely drop them and re-call up previously dropped player/find someone else. This in reality ends up costing you 2 calls ups for 1 player.

What I think would be more reasonable/logical would be to have a separate club and NT page in order to avoid the club benefitting from NT scouting. This in turn then allows the NT to have its own finances based on home matches income through gate receipts, NT shop sales, and associated costs, but also allows NT coaches a budget to scout new potential NT players of their own nationality (for instance I could only scout Slovenian players as the Slovenian NT coach) without it directly affecting their club side.

To me this would avoid my club side paying for scouting fees when I'm not directly looking to buy those players, but my NT would be. This would also solve the problem of using two call ups and unnecessarily dropping players.

I hope that this is something that the developers and you lot feel would make it more meaningful to being an NT coach and is easily implementable in the current software.
SrednaDGI Supporter
Posts: 4589
Joined: 2010-11-02
Posted on 2023-08-03 8:23:19
I understand your thoughts about the call-ups, but even if a 'quick review' of a potential new player to the NT costs you 2 call-ups, it would be very rare that an NT needs to replace / scout 25 players per season. I have been NT for many seasons and scout appr. 5-10 players per season. Maybe NT's with more teams can run into this issue (say the UK or US team), but for a nation like Denmark (2-4 teams) and Slovenia (4 teams), the amount of new NT players is very, very minimal.

I do not like the thought of National Teams having their own finances does not make sense to me. Finances would only be targeted at scouting and that is covered by the call-ups.

If needed, call-ups could be doubled. You will never loose a player you remove from the NT unless you let him sit on an active team during season turn-over.

"Quarterbacks should wear a dress." - Jack Lambert

If you are ever feeling down, just know that neither of Dorfenschmirtz's parents showed up to his birth.

Posts: 1531
Posted on 2023-08-03 14:05:35
The cost is super cheap... if you're having trouble paying for scouting, you're about to go bankrupt, mah dude!

Seriously now... I'm not joking!
Posts: 783
Joined: 2012-10-22
Posted on 2023-08-03 17:09:01
I personally feel that the problem isn't necessarily the cost of the scouting, but rather the limitation on the number of players you can scout in a week.
Posts: 545
Posted on 2023-08-03 17:31:20
Ich bin selber Coach einer NT, mal hier mal dort, aber meine Probleme beim Scouting sind das man das wahre Talent eines potenziellen Spielers nicht sieht. Mit diesen 50 "Call-up" bin ich immer klar gekommen

best regards
Posts: 22
Posted on 2023-08-03 19:17:43
What about a player comparison function between players in the same position such as a QB who looks a potential NT player against those already in the NT squad?
Could have it a colour coded, arrows or such like to indicate whether the skills of the potential player is similar, better, or worse than those in the NT.
A green + means better than;
A red - means worse than;
A yellow = means equal to.
That way we don't know their exact figures but a reasonable indication.

My point about NT scouting is why on earth would my club side be paying for it. That's like asking Man Utd (football team) to pay for the England manager to watch some player no one has heard off in another country. That would never happen.
Posts: 22
Posted on 2023-08-03 19:28:43
SrednaD wrote:

I understand your thoughts about the call-ups, but even if a 'quick review' of a potential new player to the NT costs you 2 call-ups, it would be very rare that an NT needs to replace / scout 25 players per season.

Don't worry I've done my research and according to your NT squad you have 11 players aged 40+, whereas Slovenia has 26 such aged players out of a squad of 50. So yes I would need to replace players called up especially if their skills aren't as good as what the dropped players were or older players are.

What happens when they all retire/removed from the game? They'd surely need replacing then.

It's about making it a simpler task overall, not a man hunt looking for that diamond in the rough.
SrednaDGI Supporter
Posts: 4589
Joined: 2010-11-02
Posted on 2023-08-04 10:09:22
Zordak wrote:

SrednaD wrote:

I understand your thoughts about the call-ups, but even if a 'quick review' of a potential new player to the NT costs you 2 call-ups, it would be very rare that an NT needs to replace / scout 25 players per season.

Don't worry I've done my research and according to your NT squad you have 11 players aged 40+, whereas Slovenia has 26 such aged players out of a squad of 50. So yes I would need to replace players called up especially if their skills aren't as good as what the dropped players were or older players are.

What happens when they all retire/removed from the game? They'd surely need replacing then.

It's about making it a simpler task overall, not a man hunt looking for that diamond in the rough.

NT players on BOT teams become free agents if the team is recycled. Any NT player that is fired from an active team goes to the transfer market.

As long as there are thousands of BOT teams and not many new teams, old NT players should be thriving on the NT but total wrecks on their normal team.

Players on BOT teams do not train, so therefore, they do not decline in physicals either.

National Teams are more a team of G-O-A-T's than a clear representation of the (active) players for a country. Denmark is a clear example of a team that should not be so good as it is.

"Quarterbacks should wear a dress." - Jack Lambert

If you are ever feeling down, just know that neither of Dorfenschmirtz's parents showed up to his birth.

Czuli3GI Supporter
Posts: 106
Joined: 2021-05-28
Posted on 2023-08-04 11:21:56
Hi, I'm Czuli3, coach of Hungary's national team.
I follow this forum topic very closely.
This is my third season as NT coach.
I can say that the Hungarian team faithfully reflects where the Hungarian managers are.
In the first season, there were still BOT players in the national team, but I banished them in the previous season. (yes, there is still one with a BOT team)
For me, selection is done in 2 ways so that I don't waste calls.
1. Email to managers
2. exploration at own expense
3. He calls in, but this is only if it's too late

(Sorry for my English, I'm very weak. I don't know how correct the translator is:crazy
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)PHI 21GI Supporter
Posts: 3026
Joined: 2009-03-18
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2023-08-04 13:26:19
I can understand the impulse to replace bot players on a NT, but if you think about all the implications, bot players can be the best players to have on a NT.
1.) No, they don't train anymore, so they won't get better, but they also will not get worse no matter how old they get.
2.) Since they don't train, they don't get injured. Injuries happen during training update and since bot teams don't train, a player on a bot team can never get hurt.
3.) Yes, the team the player is on could eventually get replaced by a human manager and all the players will be deleted or placed on transfer list, but this only happens to teams in the bottom tier of each region. So if the player is on a bot team at least one tier up, they are safe for at least that season.

Sure, you always want to look for the better players, but I don't recommend replacing a player just because he is on a bot team. Only replace the player if you actually find a better player.

Of course, as manager, you are always free to run the team as you see fit. Just wanted to point out that bot players are not nearly as bad as many managers seem to think.
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