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A Few Game Engine Breakthroughs
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-14 3:08:36
needs to be reordered (Peter)

Player Ratings

Individual Rating (For example, Matches) = rating + positional stats + stamina + consistency + team chemistry

Positional Rating is like another statistic for a given position the only difference being that rating can only be improved by playing games on that position (instead of training).

Administrator wrote:

OL - blocking
DL - tackling

Administrator wrote:

The automatic 4th down rush is at and after the 40 yard line (that is, when the scrimmage line is at 60 yards or more)

There is no "nearly the end of time" simulation, so the opposing team starts normally as they would any action

Administrator wrote:

"Extreme" formations were not allowed on purpose. 3 WRs on one side is one of them.

Well hypothetically if you figured out on which side he has only one CB or None and put 3 WRs on that side it would simply be devastating for the other team. Now in real life that wouldn't be much of a problem since you would have a chance to see what your opponent is doing and counter his/her action but here you can't. So this limitation will stay for now (at least until we figure out some way to overcome the problem)

Administrator wrote:

shaftdiggity wrote:

2 questions:

Are 0 and 20 absolute hard caps?

You can't go to 0 so 1-20 are hard caps.

shaftdiggity wrote:

-If I have a player with a low skill and a very low consistency, and he plays below average (due to consistency), can he have a negative value?

No negative value is not possible, 1 is the lowest he can go.

shaftdiggity wrote:

-The same on the other end, can a player with a 20 stat that has a consistency of 1 that plays better than average have above a 20 that game for that stat?

20 is the max.

shaftdiggity wrote:

Are the physical stats that have hidden, predetermined limits (strength and speed) are they hard caps (cannot improve once you maxed out) or soft caps (subject to the X% chance to level once you have maxed up to 4 levels above max like in the FAQ for normal stats)

If I understand this correctly, speed and strength limits are soft caps until they're maxed out then they become hard caps

Administrator wrote:

Oh, for those who don't know how how the default orders work.
You make a formation and set it as default orders. In case you Don't submit your formation the default orders are used. If you do submit the formation and it's illegal (for whatever reason) then the default orders are Not used. If your default formation is illegal (for whatever reason) then the bot formation is used.

Administrator wrote:

For the last 6 (six) days of injury when player is able to play there are different injury descriptions for every 2 or 3 days.

Administrator wrote:

Numbers about attendance in FAQ are for official games. Friendlies has much less attendance, add bad weather and that's it.

Last edited on 2010-01-04 at 9:13
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-02-26 1:28:19
Administrator wrote:

Numbers from team work are rounded up. 9,5 would give you 10 training points.

Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-03-05 19:15:07
Administrator wrote:

We've done calcualtions and tests and players can easily go to 70.000 or more USD wage per week when fully developed. If you have 50 players averaging 50k USD wage that's 2.5 million per every week. And with 50k stadium (exe and vip full) you get 2.475 mio per home game and much less from friendlies. So i there is no AFLC or CUP, it's no so much money again.

A lot of money is in the game for some builders at the moment, because now we are in immature phase of the game, where builders have a lot of money but this is somehow unavoidable.
If there are going to be in not near future corrections of the financial aspect, it will be done very carefully and based on calculation, local database tests and fair for everyone (this week we're doin' it again test runs).

Every change we will make it won't drasticly reduce difference between newcomer and veteran of the game who will always have an advantage if he manages good. But in 10 seasons time should be 10 year and 5 year veteran much closer than 5 year vet and newbie. That is our concern.

Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-03-10 17:46:50
Administrator wrote:

Manager is for cheating financially banned or his/her team is locked permanently and becomes a bot team, it depends on the type of violation.

Bot with couple of thousands seats and trained players resets to 500 seats and gains fresh new players when it is taken over by new manager.

Bot teams DO NOT train and get better.

I think this one is for game engine breakthroughs.

Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-03-17 12:23:47
Administrator wrote:

Position rating is one of the statistic among other (primary stats etc.) for game engine. If other stats are high position rating doesn't affect as much as it does if the other stats are low.

Posts: 10622
Posted on 2009-03-24 8:30:19
Administrator wrote:

Rating is influenced by talent like all the other stats (with the exception of speed and strength of course)

Posts: 10622
Posted on 2009-04-17 14:07:04
Administrator wrote:

We cannot tell exactly till last training updates will be done. In average we would predict around up to 2 times more wages cost for the best teams for season 3. We are still in immature phase for all teams.

Seasons after 3 - wages will depend on how you train. If you focus only on one skill then can be wages much higher than if you train all-around players. Heavy construction specialists will still have too much money in seasons 3 to 6, after that they would be limited by salary cap (stadium size) and they will have to manage teams with more strategy focused on number and quality of players. At the end it's like in real life, you cannot have everything.

Every calculation is done on average of two weeks, which means 1 home and 1 away league game with six match day sponsors. This is foundation for wages system. With this income must all managers survive and have some additional cash to invest.
You can have 6 another match day sponsors, league victory prize, cup game, club shop etc.

If some managers pushes the envolope right to the limit then he/she can have financial problems and that's again like in real life. You always have to have some reserve for "expect the unexpected"
That's about all till offseason about wages.

Posts: 10622
Posted on 2009-05-03 12:32:57

When players get in an age that they loose training points how does it work exactly?

Let's say player is 30 years old. That means he will loose 75% of his training points. Is that 75% of his default 10? Or is it 75% of ALL possible training points ( Basic points + Construction bonus points + Coach points + Teamwork points etc etc) ?

Same thing for the 20% extra points for the fitness hall upgrades:Is that 20% of the basic points or 20% of ALL training points?

The extra points for the training hall are calculated over the basic points if i understand correctly (in one chapter of the FAQ they talk about percentage and in the other chapter exact amount of points are mentioned).

Administrator wrote:

10% of all points are lost in "focus on" mode of trainig.

Formula for focus on skill training: (10+-2 + Team Work/2 + Coaches + Training Hall + Fitness Centre (if training fitness skills)) - 10%, 90% points are distributed on skills like described in FAQ.

Administrator wrote:

Players loose 25, 50, 75 or 100% of all training points (formula above).

Posts: 10622
Posted on 2009-05-04 13:36:48
Administrator wrote:

We talked about wages change more than month back and you all know there is too much money here. Those who will come later to the game wouldn't stand a chance facing managers with $ 100.000.000 on their bank account if we would leave the economy model intact. It's bitter pill for us to swallow but changes must be made for good prospects in the future.

Our test show (you must consider some random factor):
Team with 20 coaches, 50 players, $ 154k S2 will have $ 238k S3
Team with 20 coaches, 70 players, $ 156k S2 will have $ 276k S3
Team with 0 coaches, 31 players, $ 116k S2 will have $ 117k S3

Administrator wrote:

We tested new wages for whole week and this year won't be drastic change (1.2 - 1.8 ratio). But those who train "One skill Wonders" instead of all-round players will face quite a challenge in season 4. In our tests we trained only one skill for whole season 3 and wages did triple in that case for season 4, but the wages in season 4 could be much lower (1.5 - 2 ratio) if managers train all-around players.

Building seats will become very important for big roster teams with good coaches and facilities and also training all-around skills instead of just one. We call this kind of players One Skill Wonders (OSW) and you could quote this one. This game will become much more management game in upcoming seasons than the construction business. Managers will have to decide what kind of and how many players would like to have, do they have enough income for skill progressive wages and many more. Now the game has become much more challenge than it was before.

Posts: 10622
Posted on 2009-05-07 7:52:35
Administrator wrote:

If I understand it correctly, it's based mostly on the highest trained skill. So a player with 6 blocking and 6 footwork would be much cheaper than a player with 10 blocking and 2 footwork.

Correct. This is also good for managers because all-around players with even primary stats are better than OSW.

For example: excluding energy, rating etc...Primary stats 6-6-6-6 are cheaper and better than 10-1-2-3.

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