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Posts: 81
Posted on 2020-06-04 19:59:34
Just like with most professional sports in the real word, managing a national team is different from managing a club team because money is not an issue for national teams - you don't have to consider how much a player earns each week before picking him for the national team.

I would love to be able to develop players for the national team. That is for Division I teams with big bank balances that make lots of money from long regional cup runs and AFLC games. My team is not there yet.

Grid-Iron is moneyball - very frustrating at times, but also perhaps the most interesting aspect of the game.

I keep the players that I can afford to keep and rent to fill in gaps. I've had Walker for 40 weeks at over $100,000 per week. I would love to keep more players like him but I cannot afford to at this point.

I tried to develop a team over time and could not afford to do it.

I had an amazing prospect who jumped from earning 10k a week to 100k a week in one season. A developing team can afford reasonable wage increases - as a team gets better and earns more money it can afford to pay higher wages. But not when they increase 10 times. I even had a back-up LB who went from 5k a week to 55k in one season - not a star player who deserved the money, but a career back-up.

I also tried to develop a team that plays on NFL lines - a mixed offense (that would keep the opposing D honest by keeping them guessing) and a defence capable of stopping the run and the pass. Yet, I got beaten by teams that literally ran the ball every play and used 5-3 defences.

I lost to Russia in the world cup 1/4 finals. I employed a mixed offense and a defence designed solely to stuff the run. Yet, they still ran the ball every play and beat us by 10 points.

If you can't beat them, join them. That's why I gave up on trying to build a proper team and rebuilt a team from scratch that runs the ball every play and uses a 5-3 defence.

The NFL was built upon innovation and copy cats. The 1940 Chicago Bears introduced the Wing T offence and thrashed Washington 73-0 in the championship game. Within 2 seasons every team was using the Wing T - and then trying to improve it with their own innovations. Similarly, Bill George dropped back from nose guard to middle linebacker, to create the 4-3 defence which was much better at stopping the pass - and within 5 years every NFL team employed a 4-3 and the 5 man defensive line was history.

stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2020-06-04 21:04:18
Goosey - If the UK has access to all the 'superstars' that you believe exists within GI then why did every UK National manager, that followed on from you, not inherit a squad full of superstars ?

Also, you joined this game 2 WEEKS after me .... but it's MY responsibility, along with any others in Div 1, to produce all the UK players .... but not yours ?

We all have to watch our wage budgets and cut down when it's required ... that's life. But you rent. How does that help ? (only asking since you feel so strongly about developing the national team)

As for your player that jumped from $10 k to $100 k .... don't you think that you may have seriously messed up his training? You clearly trained up 1 skill, then couldn't afford him ? I'm gonna guess that he was then signed by a newer player who's team probably went bot and so he was lost to the game before anyone could 'fix' him. If he was as good a prospect as you say then what a waste.

You seem very opinionated on what exactly works within this game (and that's not a bad thing at all ) but it leaves me surprised as to why your own team is not more successful.
Have you maybe considered the fact that playing all those rented players with no team chemistry is actually whats holding your team back ?
In my opinion you'd have much more success if you just built a team. Everybody has their rebuild years. And your strategy clearly isn't working, despite you knowing exactly what wins games.
Just a thought
Posts: 81
Posted on 2020-06-04 21:58:48
Why did the national teams inherited after me not contain lots of superstars?

Quite simple - I made 2 big mistakes. But, I am willing to admit that I made these mistakes and look for improvements.

First, I cut a number of long-established players, on BOT and live teams, who were due to retire at the end of the season. Thanks to the forums, I now know that this does not always mean what it says.

Second, I tried to play with a balanced offence - I assumed that what worked in the NFL would work in Grid-Iron.

I knew a lot less about Grid-Iron than I do now. I e-mailed a number of prominent UK managers to ask for advice about how to run the national team. None of them got back to me. I would have listened to their advice. Prominent managers who have won world cups with the UK and other national teams have posted advice in the threads that I started, but UK managers since then have proven largely unwilling to listen to their advice. Abcat provided a most useful post about players who helped the UK beat Austria 70-49 back in the UK's glory days.

Why is my team not doing better?

First, I have wasted a lot of money trying to recruit a team made up only of UK players. I know that this is a bad idea, but I guess I have my quirks!

Second, I wasted too many seasons trying to play NFL-style football - mixed offence and realistic defence. I only woke up and smelled the coffee in the middle of last season. Most of the more successful managers have been running the ball every offensive play for the past 3 seasons, when Melderon changed the game to favour the run.

Those who do not learn the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat it.
stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2020-06-04 22:22:39
The running game was implemented way back in season 26/27 if I remember right.
Back when I openly stated that this game would quickly become a run only game and was shot down for such a ludicrous statement by most 'established' players.
Managed to use it, as did a few others who had figured it out for themselves( couple before me), to my advantage for a while before most caught onto it.
You also seem convinced that managers are deliberately not listening to others or are not searching for players ?
I don't mind regards myself but i think that's an insult to the couple of managers who DID actually donated their time (many MANY hours) and their scout reports to also look for these players that you think exist.
Did YOU do anything to help seeing as you seem to know that they're out there ?

You really are extremely late to the party regards the running game and yet you're talking like you know it inside out.
Given how the UK destroyed Australia home and away by running, then the UK lost to Russia when running then by your all knowing logic the Aussies didn't stand a chance against Russia by playing the same team/formation/tactics they'd used against the UK right?
But what happened there ? GRID IRON ... That's what happened !! They got the dice rolls and got the win. End of. No magic formula. No guarantees by running or playing a certain defense. They just won !! ( I mean no offence to Aus or Rus ... just using it as an example)

stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2020-06-04 22:41:38
I'm not ragging on you tho m8.
But as someone that has been running non stop for 6 or 7 seasons with reasonable success I've been noticing some things over the last 2 that lead me to believe they're still tweaking it behind the scenes which is slowly making the game a little more balanced. I hope so anyway and it's just my opinion.
Posts: 81
Posted on 2020-06-04 22:46:15
I did not do anything to help find UK players because it was not necessary for me to do so.

Abcat gave all the advice needed in a couple of forum posts.

Denmark won the recent world cup.

Whoever manages the UK national team next should look at how they did it - and be willing to learn lessons from them.

I am disappointed that I did not win the world cup - I'm willing to admit that I made mistakes and want to help the team to improve.

Other UK managers who failed to win the world cup seem content to be blasé and say oh well its just a dice game - then they don't have to accept that they might have made some mistakes.
stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2020-06-04 23:13:08
gooseygooseygander wrote:

I did not do anything to help find UK players because it was not necessary for me to do so.

Abcat gave all the advice needed in a couple of forum posts.

Denmark won the recent world cup.

Whoever manages the UK national team next should look at how they did it - and be willing to learn lessons from them.

I am disappointed that I did not win the world cup - I'm willing to admit that I made mistakes and want to help the team to improve.

Other UK managers who failed to win the world cup seem content to be blasé and say oh well its just a dice game - then they don't have to accept that they might have made some mistakes.

What is it you want ? Do you want people to beg for forgiveness or something ?
Of course I made a couple of mistakes. And I'm pretty sure that Mrrich said the same about his time too ..... but you are taking this waaaaaaay too seriously
Especially as, by your own words, it's always someone else's responsibility to make it a success.
According to you, all anybody has to do is copy the last winner and they'll win it right ?

Also ..... get off Abcat's n..s !!
It's no wonder they don't want the job as you're putting them into a lose/lose situation. If they win it ? It was expected. But if not ? What then ?
Nobody's disputing that Abcat is one of the most successful managers from the UK (if not THE). He's got my respect (not that it'll make any diff to his life ). And on top of that he's a genuine good guy ( eg. played his strongest team when he could've botted to benefit himself regards AFLC ) and offers his help etc.

I'm guessing he's busy concentrating on his own team as he hasn't won anything since season 29 and may want to put that right. (Just guessing, have no idea how he feels).
But the way you're swinging from his t....s with a vice like grip you would think that he's never lost a game .

Calm down and do the Job yourself when the next cycle comes around. I like your passion for the National team and so i'll donate my scout reports and time etc when it comes around if it'll help.
But you clearly know exactly what it takes to win it all. And you clearly know of many superstar players available that weren't selected .... so don't mess up

Last edited on 2020-06-04 at 23:44
Posts: 81
Posted on 2020-06-04 23:37:03
Stevie76's language is not appropriate for online forums.

I'm fairly difficult to offend (I've been to Sandhurst, have a PhD in War Studies specialising in Counter-Intelligence doctrine, and have had to process horrible things).


Please think of them and post accordingly.
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)shmertnicknameGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2020-06-04 23:37:32
stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2020-06-04 23:43:03
gooseygooseygander wrote:

Stevie76's language is not appropriate for online forums.

I'm fairly difficult to offend (I've been to Sandhurst, have a PhD in War Studies specialising in Counter-Intelligence doctrine, and have had to process horrible things).


Please think of them and post accordingly.

I kinda knew that you were one of them !!
But I'll edit it just for you

Edit. Happy now ?
Can't have people offended now can we ? Not during a time when people are offended by everything and anything !!
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