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Division II.2 (Season 26)
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)LeucorchestrisGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2017-12-23 14:01:27
Happy Christmas to all of you. The home game bias is just another issue in a game that has very little to do with real football.
stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2017-12-23 14:14:36
Yes true it is not much like real football and never has been

... but today I learned that Talent, Skills, Intelligence, Consistency, Physicals and Stamina are no longer important

Merry Christmas to you all

Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)ChristyGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2017-12-23 15:36:35
stevie76 wrote:

Yes true it is not much like real football and never has been

... but today I learned that Talent, Skills, Intelligence, Consistency, Physicals and Stamina are no longer important

Merry Christmas to you all

Merry Christmas to all

You say skills don't matter anymore. Well I have a trip to Scotland coming up in this season where you can show some evidence for it!

I agree the home team benefit is too strong. At least given how similar a lot of teams are in ability. However I think quitting is too much of a reaction. It is likely an easy fix for them to lower the effect. (Home team advantage is a real deal buy not so much as this).

Certainly if you look across the leagues one of the best teams will win in each of them I reckon.

I think home team advantage is a good thing. It will help make more games exciting instead of one or two teams only caring about matches against each other. They have shown they are willing to make changes (even if it takes a whilr) and getting this balance corrected will hopefully not take long.

"In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself.”— Confucius

Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)ChristyGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2017-12-23 17:11:58
As an aside the stats are coming. Just need to catch up on last weeks as well.

"In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself.”— Confucius

SrednaDGI Supporter
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Posted on 2017-12-28 7:19:25
Christy wrote:

I have to apologise to the Gnomes. I have simply gotten incredibly lucky in so many games this season. None more than this one. Thar amount of luck was abusive. (I mean I am still taking the win:p)

The better team lost. I would also say I could see 15-3 taking the division.

Thanks for the nice words... I am sure my locker room is pleased with that...

I am on the verge of doing a clean-up and try to mount a serious bid for TD next season, but as long as I am in the Cup, I will try to make is as hard as possible for anyone (nut me, of course) to escape this division (with a winning record).

15-3 should be enough, but just not very likely with my luck this season.

"Quarterbacks should wear a dress." - Jack Lambert

If you are ever feeling down, just know that neither of Dorfenschmirtz's parents showed up to his birth.

Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)ChristyGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2017-12-29 13:23:08
SrednaD wrote:

Christy wrote:

I have to apologise to the Gnomes. I have simply gotten incredibly lucky in so many games this season. None more than this one. Thar amount of luck was abusive. (I mean I am still taking the win:p)

The better team lost. I would also say I could see 15-3 taking the division.

Thanks for the nice words... I am sure my locker room is pleased with that...

I am on the verge of doing a clean-up and try to mount a serious bid for TD next season, but as long as I am in the Cup, I will try to make is as hard as possible for anyone (nut me, of course) to escape this division (with a winning record).

15-3 should be enough, but just not very likely with my luck this season.

Yeah I can see that. Each away match is such a risk that going through too many without a loss is a big ask.

"In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself.”— Confucius

stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2017-12-30 9:52:04
Christy wrote:

stevie76 wrote:

Yes true it is not much like real football and never has been

... but today I learned that Talent, Skills, Intelligence, Consistency, Physicals and Stamina are no longer important

Merry Christmas to you all

Merry Christmas to all

You say skills don't matter anymore. Well I have a trip to Scotland coming up in this season where you can show some evidence for it!

I agree the home team benefit is too strong. At least given how similar a lot of teams are in ability. However I think quitting is too much of a reaction. It is likely an easy fix for them to lower the effect. (Home team advantage is a real deal buy not so much as this).

..... a certain Kevin Keegan quote springs to mind !!

I'm guessing that you don't scout your opponents ?

You like your stats Christy. You do a damn good job with them which I for one am grateful. The work you do adds a little extra to the game.
So do your homework with regards to this.
Scout my last two league opponents if you haven't already (as i am forbidden from talking in detail about other teams players). I will freely, and publicly, offer you all details on all my players when you are ready. Using all your knowledge of how GI works and what should be important, compare how my team matches up to my opponents, Observe how these two games played out and THEN give me your thoughts on how important SKILLS INT CONS, and maybe even more importantly, STAMINA were in deciding those results and how those games went..... or was it simply 'home advantage'?
A blow out victory (35-0 up after 20 mins) at HOME against, in my opinion, the MUCH stronger of those two opponents .....and an AWAY game which I struggled to stay in touch which resulted in an overtime loss against the weaker team.
I'll leave it with you .....

To answer another part of your comment i'll borrow a quote from one of your posts in another thread ...
...."I play and design my team to beat* everyone else here. I enjoy doing that. Only winning because I circumnavigated the rules defeats the point of playing the game since I would know any victory was hollow."

Now, replace "I circumnavigated the rules" with "of a home field advantage rule" .....

hmmm can you now see why, for me personally, it may be time to find a new game ?

I may have lost the match prior to my comment but I had won the previous. Both severely affected by 'home field advantage' in my opinion. It works both ways ....

Posts: 2510
Posted on 2017-12-30 11:45:28
stevie76 wrote:

..... a certain Kevin Keegan quote springs to mind !!

I'm guessing that you don't scout your opponents ?

You like your stats Christy. You do a damn good job with them which I for one am grateful. The work you do adds a little extra to the game.
So do your homework with regards to this.
Scout my last two league opponents if you haven't already (as i am forbidden from talking in detail about other teams players). I will freely, and publicly, offer you all details on all my players when you are ready. Using all your knowledge of how GI works and what should be important, compare how my team matches up to my opponents, Observe how these two games played out and THEN give me your thoughts on how important SKILLS INT CONS, and maybe even more importantly, STAMINA were in deciding those results and how those games went..... or was it simply 'home advantage'?
A blow out victory (35-0 up after 20 mins) at HOME against, in my opinion, the MUCH stronger of those two opponents .....and an AWAY game which I struggled to stay in touch which resulted in an overtime loss against the weaker team.
I'll leave it with you .....

To answer another part of your comment i'll borrow a quote from one of your posts in another thread ...
...."I play and design my team to beat* everyone else here. I enjoy doing that. Only winning because I circumnavigated the rules defeats the point of playing the game since I would know any victory was hollow."

Now, replace "I circumnavigated the rules" with "of a home field advantage rule" .....

hmmm can you now see why, for me personally, it may be time to find a new game ?

I may have lost the match prior to my comment but I had won the previous. Both severely affected by 'home field advantage' in my opinion. It works both ways ....

Hi Stevie,

I might say that stamina and consistency are overrated skills on here. Stamina especially - I looked at Mammoth's games back when they had a roster full of stamina 19 players, and they made about one more second-half comeback in four seasons compared to my wheezing, alcoholic 40-a-day smokers. I'm also thinking Consistency might be a hindrance to overcoming home field advantage, although my reckoning behind that is unproven and very roundabouts.

At this level it's very much a matter of opinion - a clever use of statistics can prove just about anything. But on the balance of things, without home field advantage, I'd reckon Chums will beat you five or six times out of ten, and you'd probably beat Harton seven or eight times out of ten.

If I factor in the home field advantage, I'd say you'd beat Chums about eight out of ten times, and against Harton it's about 50/50. If you stay competitive throughout, most of the times where there were flukes and lucky results will be evened out by the end of the season.
stevie76GI Supporter
Posts: 580
Joined: 2016-02-06
Posted on 2017-12-30 12:40:03
AbCat wrote:

stevie76 wrote:

..... a certain Kevin Keegan quote springs to mind !!

I'm guessing that you don't scout your opponents ?

You like your stats Christy. You do a damn good job with them which I for one am grateful. The work you do adds a little extra to the game.
So do your homework with regards to this.
Scout my last two league opponents if you haven't already (as i am forbidden from talking in detail about other teams players). I will freely, and publicly, offer you all details on all my players when you are ready. Using all your knowledge of how GI works and what should be important, compare how my team matches up to my opponents, Observe how these two games played out and THEN give me your thoughts on how important SKILLS INT CONS, and maybe even more importantly, STAMINA were in deciding those results and how those games went..... or was it simply 'home advantage'?
A blow out victory (35-0 up after 20 mins) at HOME against, in my opinion, the MUCH stronger of those two opponents .....and an AWAY game which I struggled to stay in touch which resulted in an overtime loss against the weaker team.
I'll leave it with you .....

To answer another part of your comment i'll borrow a quote from one of your posts in another thread ...
...."I play and design my team to beat* everyone else here. I enjoy doing that. Only winning because I circumnavigated the rules defeats the point of playing the game since I would know any victory was hollow."

Now, replace "I circumnavigated the rules" with "of a home field advantage rule" .....

hmmm can you now see why, for me personally, it may be time to find a new game ?

I may have lost the match prior to my comment but I had won the previous. Both severely affected by 'home field advantage' in my opinion. It works both ways ....

Hi Stevie,

I might say that stamina and consistency are overrated skills on here. Stamina especially - I looked at Mammoth's games back when they had a roster full of stamina 19 players, and they made about one more second-half comeback in four seasons compared to my wheezing, alcoholic 40-a-day smokers. I'm also thinking Consistency might be a hindrance to overcoming home field advantage, although my reckoning behind that is unproven and very roundabouts.

At this level it's very much a matter of opinion - a clever use of statistics can prove just about anything. But on the balance of things, without home field advantage, I'd reckon Chums will beat you five or six times out of ten, and you'd probably beat Harton seven or eight times out of ten.

If I factor in the home field advantage, I'd say you'd beat Chums about eight out of ten times, and against Harton it's about 50/50. If you stay competitive throughout, most of the times where there were flukes and lucky results will be evened out by the end of the season.

Thanks for the input bud. Appreciated

Is it still the year of the Weasels ?
Posts: 2510
Posted on 2017-12-30 14:25:19
stevie76 wrote:

Thanks for the input bud. Appreciated

Is it still the year of the Weasels ?

Every year is the year of the Weasels.

We seem to do very well in the league about once every three seasons. Season 14, 17, 20, 23, and now 26. Unfortunately for us Seattle do well every two seasons, 20, 22, 24... well we can see where this is leading.

Another splendid away win keeps intact our reputation as party crashers. Don't know what everyone is complaining about this home field advantage thing.
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