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National Anthem Protests
Posts: 306
Posted on 2017-09-26 22:24:53
Couldnt say it better than AbCat!

And kneeling in my humble opinion couldnt even be called 'protest' it is a silent and peaceful way of raising awareness - much in contrast to the uneducated and unintelligent way trump likes to express his opinion. We can just hope the republicans come to their mind before he can start a war with his schoolyard bullying of northkorea and iran
Posts: 312
Posted on 2017-09-27 1:58:01
Just don't play the national anthem - problem solved.

But what do I know - I am a foreigner - like most other people here discussing an american tradition.
Posts: 2985
Posted on 2017-09-27 1:58:14
AbCat wrote:

hosh13 wrote:

They've all been free to piss off back to Africa for what, 150 years? What are they all sticking around for?

Bunch of precious ebony!

The fans should start boycotting the game in protest - I don't tune into a football game to watch a bunch of precious little privileged children chuck an unfounded tantrum! They should be flogged!

I don't think I could disagree more with this statement. Most Black people in America have longer family histories there than most White people. They have a right to be there, and are right to protest against injustice.

My thoughts are that the protests don't go far enough. Boycott the NFL? Nah, the NFL should boycott America. Move a few franchises to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean, and if you want to watch a game, stand to the national anthem of Cuba.

American politics is maybe the dumbest thing in the universe. It will drag a perfectly good country and people into civil war, and we're all just hoping here it doesn't drag a few other countries down with it when it does.

There are 2 types of black people in the U.S. - those that can't get over the fact their there due to their ancestors being kidnapped and enslaved by white America, and those who can and get on with their lives. The former want to stick it to the white man and that's about the full extent of their agenda. And that's who all these children are.

Considering the privileged life these NFL players lead, their hypocrisy is mind boggling. Greatest load of crap I've ever seen.

The blacks in this equation are by far the biggest racists of all! The white world these days is full of politically correct cowards and fools - no wonder it's so cool to be black!

Posts: 2985
Posted on 2017-09-27 2:05:34
ledilot wrote:

Just don't play the national anthem - problem solved.

But what do I know - I am a foreigner - like most other people here discussing an american tradition.

Being a patriotic moron is critical to the gods that run America, and who use America to run the world into the ground. There is no room for any men in such an equation. You need indoctrinated idiots to run such a pitiful regime. No weapons of mass destruction found in the middle east? No problems, since America has an endless supply of ass kickers that will blindly follow Uncle Sam anywhere, any time for the sake of a mangled notion of American supremacy.

So don't expect "America" to stop indoctrinating it's zombies at every available opportunity any time soon!
David Ortiz
Posts: 3148
Posted on 2017-09-27 2:11:43
hosh13 wrote:

They've all been free to piss off back to Africa for what, 150 years? What are they all sticking around for?

Bunch of precious ebony!

The fans should start boycotting the game in protest - I don't tune into a football game to watch a bunch of precious little privileged children chuck an unfounded tantrum! They should be flogged!

I initially assumed, and would like to believe, that this post is an attempt at satire that's fallen afoul of Poe's Law.

If that isn't the case, I couldn't agree more with what AbCat wrote.

Racial issues have always polarized Americans, and dog-whistle politics continue to prove effective to this day. This is an excellent way to polarize the country, so if Trump's goal is to win reelection with 50.1% of the vote starting a cultural debate over black athletes' patriotism isn't the worst move.

That doesn't make it right. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that flag-burning (to say nothing of bending the knee or refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance) is a constitutionally protected form of free speech, and trying to get private citizens fired for exercising their freedom of speech is not (IMHO) the best use of the President's time.
David Ortiz
Posts: 3148
Posted on 2017-09-27 2:31:54

There are 2 types of black people in the U.S. - those that can't get over the fact their there due to their ancestors being kidnapped and enslaved by white America, and those who can and get on with their lives. The former want to stick it to the white man and that's about the full extent of their agenda. And that's who all these children are.

Their ancestors were slaves and we denied them basic human rights.

Their grandparents were denied the right to vote, access to even a basic education, and all but the most menial jobs. More significantly, they were kept from buying property in desirable neighborhoods, which was the biggest way white families built wealth in the 20th century.

Their parents had to fight to secure all these rights under law, and all the rights in the world didn't change the fact they owned property in poor neighborhoods while rich whites guarded access to their own communities, with the corresponding benefits (better schools, transportation, and job opportunities) jealously and economic factors reinforced legal segregation.

The biggest determinants (by far) of access to education, government services, and employment opportunities continue to be income, wealth, and one's place of residence.

Kids who grow up poor today usually live in poor neighborhoods, with parents who work longer hours, can afford fewer books/music classes/visits to the museum/etc, and may not have a great deal of formal education themselves. The 30-million word gap, a huge determinant of success later in life, is there by the time kids start preschool, through no fault of their own - low-income parents often need to work two jobs instead of playing with or reading to their kids.

When these kids do start school, their classrooms are full of similar kids, and usually underfunded (since we fund education through local property taxes, which bring in less money in poor neighborhoods). If they do well anyway, many can't afford to go to college, or run out of money before they graduate (leaving them with no degree and student debt). I work with high-school students in Chicago's South Side and I've seen the lengths to which they go to afford college - while still coming up short in many cases.

Those few that do go from crippling poverty in a largely poor neighborhood to an upper-middle-class job and a home in the suburbs do so through a combination of hard work, talent, and extraordinary luck. We can't place the onus on every black person in America to beat the odds.
Posts: 2985
Posted on 2017-09-27 3:58:00
David Ortiz wrote:

There are 2 types of black people in the U.S. - those that can't get over the fact their there due to their ancestors being kidnapped and enslaved by white America, and those who can and get on with their lives. The former want to stick it to the white man and that's about the full extent of their agenda. And that's who all these children are.

Their ancestors were slaves and we denied them basic human rights.

Their grandparents were denied the right to vote, access to even a basic education, and all but the most menial jobs. More significantly, they were kept from buying property in desirable neighborhoods, which was the biggest way white families built wealth in the 20th century.

Their parents had to fight to secure all these rights under law, and all the rights in the world didn't change the fact they owned property in poor neighborhoods while rich whites guarded access to their own communities, with the corresponding benefits (better schools, transportation, and job opportunities) jealously and economic factors reinforced legal segregation.

The biggest determinants (by far) of access to education, government services, and employment opportunities continue to be income, wealth, and one's place of residence.

Kids who grow up poor today usually live in poor neighborhoods, with parents who work longer hours, can afford fewer books/music classes/visits to the museum/etc, and may not have a great deal of formal education themselves. The 30-million word gap, a huge determinant of success later in life, is there by the time kids start preschool, through no fault of their own - low-income parents often need to work two jobs instead of playing with or reading to their kids.

When these kids do start school, their classrooms are full of similar kids, and usually underfunded (since we fund education through local property taxes, which bring in less money in poor neighborhoods). If they do well anyway, many can't afford to go to college, or run out of money before they graduate (leaving them with no degree and student debt). I work with high-school students in Chicago's South Side and I've seen the lengths to which they go to afford college - while still coming up short in many cases.

Those few that do go from crippling poverty in a largely poor neighborhood to an upper-middle-class job and a home in the suburbs do so through a combination of hard work, talent, and extraordinary luck. We can't place the onus on every black person in America to beat the odds.

That's all well and good and fully understood.

This issue is about precious, bleeding black people. If you think there is anything good about letting them get bogged down in white hate, no matter how founded, then I can't help you.

You can even take race out of this equation and look at it as pure class distinction.

The gods have blessed America with a huge black thorn in it's side - praise the lord! LOL There will be endless generations of black people who eventually realise why they're in America and will want to stick it to the white man. White people will address that or get steam rolled by it! Praise the lord! LOL

Black people see a cop shoot a black that usually either resists arrest or pulls a gun and blacks still play the black card. They're out of control, as is your entire country.

The entire reason your in the middle east is to attempt to offset your local issues with an imaginary foreign enemy - just pathetic. As soon as the U.S. isn't at war with someone you country starts to riot and fall apart because you have neither the system or lords to deal with the situation. Your country and this planet is a big joke!
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)lvessGI Supporter
Posts: 791
Joined: 2014-02-16
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2017-09-27 4:05:13
Not to play scrooge on this conversation but......Quoting directly from the game rules:

No racist behavior, statements and/or team/manager names will be allowed on Grid-Iron servers. Religious outbursts and slander of others beliefs will not be tolerated. Political discussions are for political forums, not for a game and will not be allowed. Grid-iron is a place where we should have fun, sports banter and healthy sports rivalries, so politics, racism and religion have no place here.
Posts: 7366
Posted on 2017-09-27 4:39:33
world war football rages on
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)shmertnicknameGI Supporter
Posts: 2522
Joined: 2011-10-17
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2017-09-27 13:45:20
I agree with David Ortiz.

I disagree entirely with Hosh13.
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